Saturday, February 25, 2017

Early Years

Me and my maternal grandparents, Myrtle Blanch
and Fred Hartman. Taken in Niantic, Illinois when I was about seven. My mother and I stayed with them for a short time when I was younger. She left dad in Springfield. She found out he was not faithful. He came to Mt. Vernon, a place called Horsecreek, where they lived. Convienced mother to try it again. At that point in time they tried farming. We lived in a big old house on a hill. There was a barn and some fields. The owner had cows. My father tried it for awhile but he just was not a country guy.
That is the place where I got my finger caught in the wringer of an old wash machine. Mother was doing the wash and she let me wash my doll clothes but told me not to use the wringer, well once she got my hand free she could see the ring was mashed and my finger was swelling and turning blue. She ran me out to the field where my father was on the tracter, he had bolt cutters and was able to get it off.

This second picture was taken at the corner house. My grandmothers mother, Estella M. "Copple" Bruce lived there with them after her husband J.D. Bruce died untill she passed on Dec. 6, 1950.
  I did not spend much time with her, so I do not remember her.
One day I wandered off down the road and when my grandfather found me I was laying on my
stomach on a bridge throwing rocks into the water below.
 My grandfather switched my legs with a willow branch all the way back to the house.
 My little white hightop shoes were covered in mud.
 Not one time in the all the years that I knew my grandfather did I ever doubt how much he loved me.

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